
大学公园,宾夕法尼亚州 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 (BNC) - a 巴诺教育 company that operates the Penn State Bookstore — has continued its longtime partnership with the University and the Penn State Corporate Engagement Center to award a 2024-25 round of grants supporting a range of programs and initiatives across the commonwealth.

自BNC于2015年启动赠款计划以来,已有超过1亿美元的资金投入.400万美元被授予直接惠及大学社区的优先项目, 重点关注与书籍和阅读相关的节目. 今年, 该奖助金计划发放了165美元,在宾州州立大学的9个校区的11个大学项目中. 

“巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 continues to be an outstanding partner in furthering Penn State’s educational mission across the communities we serve,Margo DelliCarpini说, 联邦校园副校长兼推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜执行校长. “These grants allow academic leaders throughout the University to pursue ambitious and innovative ideas for engaging students and supporting their success.” 

将其投资目标定位为对宾州州立大学和校园产生最大影响, 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 works through the Corporate Engagement Center to announce the grant program and facilitate funding requests and awards. 这次最新的提案征集收到了38份请求. 

“今年’s submissions were some of the best we’ve received since the inception of the philanthropic competition,凯西·帕切科说, 导演, 巴恩斯书店 & 高贵的大学.



Engineering Ahead at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 and Penn State Berks started in 2016 as a National Science Foundation-funded project designed to address the national need to diversify the STEM workforce. The goal of Engineering Ahead is to increase recruitment and retention among students from communities underrepresented in engineering.


随着教科书出版演变为订阅模式, 特别是在STEM领域, the purchase of course materials has become a significant barrier to educational success for socioeconomically disadvantaged students. 该补助金将帮助学生获得数字课程材料, 从而在大学最多样化的校园中增加教育公平.


随着确定有心理健康和神经多样性支持需求的学生人数的增长, Penn State Beaver will use grant funding to increase its collection of related books and resources, 创建阅读小组, 为校园和社区的辅导员和教育工作者提供培训项目, 提供自闭症测试,并采取其他策略来更好地支持学生和家庭.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜贝伦德金融文学中心主办, a boot camp will prepare high school teachers to deliver upcoming state-mandated financial literacy education launching in 2026. 奖助金将为参与者提供必要的书籍和资源, equipping teachers with the knowledge to deliver effective financial education in their communities.


The Common Reading Program at Penn State Berks is designed to introduce students to the academic environment of college and provides first-year students with a positive reading experience, reinforces the message that reading is an integral part of the college experience and fosters a sense of community among first-year students.


这项支持将直接针对有经济需要的学生, many of whom are already carrying significant debt from their undergraduate education or who have families depending upon them. Having a more robust financial package will help ensure that students can achieve the intensive focus a graduate degree requires, and at the same time a student’s economic background will not limit their ability to pursue an advanced degree.


玛德琳·L. Hanes图书馆将使用拨款来连接学生, 包括职前教师, 以及哈里斯堡地区的当地教育工作者和其他成年人, 在充满活力的儿童非小说和写作世界里有更多的资源. Support will enable the library to invite a celebrated children’s nonfiction author to offer two sessions in spring 2025.


帮助学生, 特别是那些发展数学课程, 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜黑兹顿分校一飞冲天, 学校将提供必要书籍和课程材料奖学金. Access to e-textbooks is especially important in ensuring that students can complete their assignments and succeed in these foundational courses.


每年秋季, nearly 25% of first-year students across Penn State start their journey in the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), 而不是特定的大学或专业. The 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 grant will enable DUS to provide select students with scholarships for textbooks, 课程提供, 实验室费用和其他费用, 帮助促进他们的学业成功.


由学生关怀和倡导办公室管理, which is committed to 支持学生 at 大学公园 and Commonwealth Campuses through challenging times, the Academic Access Program aims to reduce financial strain for students unable to afford required course materials and ensure all students have equal access to essential materials, 从而提高他们的学业成就和整体福祉.


The Student Success Center’s school supply initiative is designed to support undergraduates struggling to afford basic school supplies, 比如笔记本和笔. The 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 funding will help to stock both a central school-supply closet and satellite locations across campus and the commonwealth, 减轻财政负担, 改善学业准备,提高学生的整体素质.


下一轮拨款申请将于2025年5月1日开始,2025年5月31日截止. 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 has a particular interest in programs that are related to books or reading, 和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜有联系吗, 专注于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学生或当地社区有经济或金融相关需求, 并有可能与当地的巴诺大学校园书店合作. 联系Beth Colledge,公司活动主管,地址: (电子邮件保护) 有关资助计划或奖项的更多信息. 

Donors like 巴恩斯和诺布尔学院 advance the University’s historic land-grant mission to serve and lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 病人, 以及整个英联邦和世界各地的社区. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.事业单位.edu.


The Corporate Engagement Center connects industry partners to strategic opportunities at Penn State for research and development, 慈善事业, 人才招聘. 2019年汇聚一堂, 该中心是行业/大学关系的枢纽, 支持公司在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的巨大资源中进行导航. 团队在这里是为了帮助建立持久、互利的关系. The Corporate Engagement Center is a joint initiative of the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and the Office of University Development, 与就业服务中心合作.

关于巴 & 高尚的教育

巴恩斯 & 诺布尔教育公司. (BNED)是教育行业领先的解决方案提供商, 驾驶负担能力, access and achievement at hundreds of academic institutions nationwide and ensuring millions of students are equipped for success in the classroom and beyond. 通过它的家族品牌, BNED提供校园零售服务, 学术的解决方案, 批发功能等. BNED是一家服务于所有通过教育提升生活的人的公司, 支持学生, 教师和机构使明天成为一个更美好、更智能的世界. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.bn.com.